The PIC12F1501-I/SN is a Part of PIC12 Series 64 B RAM 1.75 kB Flash 8-Bit Flash Microcontroller.
This family of devices contain an enhanced mid-range 8-bit CPU core. The CPU has 49 instructions. Interrupt capability includes automatic context saving. The hardware stack is 16 levels deep and has Overflow and Underflow Reset capability. Direct, Indirect, and Relative addressing modes are available.
PIC12 系列 64 B RAM 1.75 kB 閃存 8 位 閃存 微控制器 - SOIC-8
制造商零件編號: PIC12F1501-I/SN
安裝方法: Surface Mount
封裝形式: SOIC-8
包裝: TUBE
標準包裝數(shù)量: 100